The smithing hearth and the crucible, they had no fight

In the smithing hearth we use graphite crucibles to smelt the matte.

The second run of the blow pipes was scheduled for today. So we got togehter once more around the small fire and started our breath acrobatics. Beside a few occurrences of dizzyness, successfully cured with cookies and beverages, everything went smooth. At the end we waited until the slag cake (we called him “Pitu”) was taken out and cooled down. After it we resumed to work on the main task of this week: crushing and smelting.

Today a coach full of tourists visited the quarries and the Terra Volcania. As they were also very interested in our experiments, we took this opportunity to tell them all they wanted to know about the experiments.

E. Hanning casts the molten matte, supported by T. Rose.

After the tourists left us we proceeded with the experiments in the smiting hearth, where we got several nice results. With “Stockbrot” (bread baked on a wooden stick over a camp fire) and Lasange the day finally came to an end.