Join me on 7 May at 2pm for a short introduction into the basic concepts of open science and research data management at the Geosciences Colloquium of Roma Tre and Sapienza at GoogleMeet.
CfP: Young Researchers in Archaeometry 2024
Abstract submission for Young Researchers in Archaeometry 2024 is still open. This year’s edition will be at the Cyprus Institute in Nicosia from 15th to 18th October. All details about the workshop can be found on the workshop webpage. The Society for Archaeological Sciences is supporting this year’s addition with a travel award for students or early career researchers. Don’t miss out and submit your abstract before end of May!

Kick-Off Event: GlobaLID becomes TerraLID
A couple of years ago, our team presented GlobaLID. We are thrilled to announce that GlobaLID will be transformed into the full-fledged digital data infrastructure TerraLID. This transformation will be kicked off with a webinar on 14 May at 4 pm CEST (= 2 pm UTC) via Zoom. We are looking forward to present you our vision and discuss with you!
Find all details about the webinar on the project blog:
CfP: “Archaeometry: Geoscience-based approaches for studying the human past”, EMC2024
You are cordially invited to submit an abstract to our session “Archaeometry: Geoscience-based approached for studying the human past” at the European Mineralogical Conference 2024 in Dublin (hybrid option available). We are looking forward to learn about your latest research in the field!
Submission is open until March, 22 and can be made at

CfP: “Capacity Building for FAIR Data Sharing and Digital Preservation”, EAA 2024
I am organising the session 381 “Capacity Building for FAIR Data Sharing and Digital Preservation” at next year’s EAA in Rome, 28–31 August together with some colleagues from the archaeological sciences and representatives of the COST Action SEADDA.
The session aims to bring together repository providers, archaeologists, and archaeological scientists. We will discuss how data sharing can be facilitated, and how repositories and data infrastructures such as ARDIADNE plus can become as deeply rooted in the community as data haven as they need to be to ensure the preservation and frictionless sharing of data.
You are very welcome to join us and to submit an abstract! Submission deadline is 8 February.
Helping KEYS to open new doors
The webpage for KEYS is now online! In summer 2022, I met Frank Mwale on the PANAF congress in Zanzibar (Tanzania). He is the executive director of the KEYS organisation in Malawi (KEYS = Knowledge Elders, Youth Share). Among other aims, KEYS collect and preserve traditional knowledge and uses it to improve environmental and living conditions of the local population. I offered to build this small webpage to increase their visibility and make it easier for them to provide information about who they are and what they do.
Check it out:
Editor at
A couple of months ago I joined the team at, the central webpage for information about research data management in Germany. I will support the team mostly in creating a section about research data management in archaeology, but I will also contribute to the Geoscience section and the translation of more content to English.
GlobaLID becomes a funded project!
Today we received the news that our proposal at the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for three years of funding for GlobaLID was successful! Being currently an unfunded side project for almost five years now, the proposal will allow us to finally turn GlobaLID into the research data infrastructure we envision it.
Besides the development of the research data infrastructure, the proposal focuses on community-building. We understand GlobaLID as a great opportunity to bring the lead isotope community closer together and to provide training to all colleagues interested in learning using lead isotope data for archaeological research. Moreover, such an infrastructure will only be widely accepted, if its major aspects were developed in close collaboration with the community, which requires constant discussion and feedback with its representatives. Only when doing so, GlobaLID will be able to match the needs of the community and to provide the functionality and usability that makes it a pleasant tool to work with. Consequently, the grant includes funding for the development of open educational resources to complement and extent our interactive textbook and for training and networking workshops. Exciting times are ahead!
Check out the GlobaLID webpage to stay tuned!
NADAC summer school
The first NADAC summer school took place in Berkeley and thanks to a travel grant of the Vereinigung von Freunden und Förderern der Goethe-Universität e.V. I was able to attend it. It was a great opportunity to meet and discuss with the other fellows of the NADAC institute – and to visit the USA for the first time. The workshop focussed on data management plans and linked data, but left enough time to get familiar with the projects of the other fellows and Berkeley.
Thesis successfully defended!
I successfully defended my PhD thesis today (online). Only some administrative actions remain before I am officially awarded the title. If you want to learn more about the topic and outcomes of my PhD, have a look on the project page!