
GlobaLID is the Global Lead Isotope Database and aims to facilitate the access to, publication of, and work with lead isotope data for the reconstruction of raw material provenances, especially in archaeology. Its idea was born by members of the archaeometallurgy group at the Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum (DBM) in 2018 with the endeavour to merge the databases of the different group members. While the project evolved it was decided to make the new database available to be public in complicance with the FAIR principle to ease the access to lead isotope data. At the same time it was decided to develop an interface to the database that should also allow non-experts to work with the database and that all output of the project will be made available in open access/open source

In 2023, the project evolved significantly. It consists now of a truly international team. In addition, funding by the DFG was successfully acquired for three years to turn GlobaLID from a side-project into the research data infrastructure we envision, starting in February 2024. Consequently, information about GlobaLID is now presented on its own webpage, where you will find more information about the project, including up-to-date information and announcements on the project blog.



  • Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2021) From OXALID to GlobaLID: A substantial upgrade of a well-known data pool of lead isotopes for metal provenancing using R and Shiny App. Young Researchers in Archaeometry 4, Évora.
  • Klein S, Rose T, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2021) From OXALID to GlobaLID: A substantial upgrade of a well-known data pool of lead isotopes for metal provenancing using R and Shiny App. 3rd European Mineralogical Conference, Krakau.
  • Hsu Y-K, Klein S, Rose T, Westner KJ (2021) From OXALID to GlobaLID: A substantial upgrade of a well-known data pool of lead isotopes for metal provenancing using R and Shiny App. Historical Metallurgy Society: Research in Progress Meeting, online.
  • Westner KJ, Klein S, Rose T, Hsu Y-K (2022) From OXALID to GlobaLID: A substantial upgrade of a well-known data pool of lead isotopes for metal provenancing using R and Shiny App. Le plomb et ses questions analytiques, Nantes.
  • Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2022) From OXALID to GlobaLID: A substantial upgrade of a well-known data pool of lead isotopes for metal provenancing using R and Shiny App. poster. ICAS-EMME 3, Nicosia.
  • Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2022) From OXALID to GlobaLID: A substantial upgrade of a well-known data pool of lead isotopes for metal provenancing using R and Shiny App. poster. 43rd International Symposium on Archaeometry, Lisboa.
  • Hsu Y-K, Klein S, Rose T, Westner KJ (2022) From OXALID to GlobaLID: A substantial upgrade of a well-known data pool of lead isotopes for metal provenancing using R and Shiny App. Advances in Isotope Ratio and related analyses for mapping migrations from Prehistory to the Viking Age (Joint Meeting of the Royal Society of Chemistry & Society of Antiquaries), London
  • Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2022) GlobaLID: Accessing and visualizing lead isotope data for the reproducible reconstruction of raw material provenance. poster. useR! 2022, online
  • Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2022) From OXALID to GlobaLID: A substantial upgrade of a well-known data pool of lead isotopes for metal provenancing using R and Shiny App. 16th PAA Congress, Zanzibar
  • Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2022) From OXALID to GlobaLID: A substantial upgrade of a well-known data pool of lead isotopes for metal provenancing using R and Shiny App. 28th Annual Meeting of the European Association of the Archaeologists (EAA), Budapest
  • Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2022) From OXALID to GlobaLID: Towards a community-standard for lead isotope data in archaeology. Young Researchers in Archaeometry 5, online
  • Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2022) Nine-tailed data monsters?: Lessons learnt in the compilation of GlobaLID. GeoMinKöln 2022, Köln
  • Klein S, Rose T, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2023) GlobaLID: Vision of the core team, introduction to the app and discovered challenges. Many LIDs, but none matching the vessel: Developing a community standard for the publication and long-term archiving of lead isotope data in the archaeological sciences – A brainstorming workshop, Bochum
  • Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2023) GlobaLID: A research data infrastructure for lead isotope data in archaeology. deRSE23, Paderborn
  • Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2023) Towards a community standard for lead isotope data: Current state and lessons learned. Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege, Mannheim
  • Rose T, Klein S, Greifelt T, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2023) NFDI4Earth Educational Pilot: Teaching Lead Isotope Geochemistry and Application in Archaeometry (LIGA-A). 2nd NFDI4Earth Plenary, Dresden
  • Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2023) Towards a community standard for lead isotope data: Where we are and where we are heading to. 29th Annual Meeting of the European Association of the Archaeologists (EAA), Belfast
  • Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2023) GlobaLID: A Research Data Infrastructure for the Lead Isotope Community in Archaeology. Poster. 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure, Karlsruhe
  • Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2023) Fighting the data kraken: GlobaLID as example for a modern approach to research data management and curation in Archaeometry. Young Researchers in Archaeometry 6, Tübingen
  • Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2023) News from the GlobaLID engine room. Historical Metallurgy Society: Research in Progress Meeting, online
  • Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2024) GlobaLID: A new research data infrastructure for lead isotope data. 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans
  • Rose T, Westner KJ, Greifelt T, Hornschuch A, Hsu Y-K, Wiethoff H, Klein S (2024) TerraLID: A sustainable data infrastructure for Pb isotope data. Poster. Archaeometallurgy in Europe, Falun
  • Rose T, Greifelt T, Westner KJ, Hornschuch A, Hsu Y-K, Wiethoff H, Klein S (2024) A new digital data infrastructure to make Pb isotope data fit for the future. 4th European Mineralogical Conference, Dublin
  • Rose T, Greifelt T, Westner KJ, Hornschuch A, Hsu Y-K, Wiethoff H, Klein S (2024) GlobaLID/TerraLID: A new community-driven research data infrastructure for sharing FAIR lead isotope data. 30th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Rome
  • Rose T, Greifelt T, Westner KJ, Hornschuch A, Hsu Y-K, Wiethoff H, Klein S (2024) Transformierung des Forschungsdatenmanagements in der Bleiisotopencommunity: Ein Erfahrungsbericht. 84. Verbandstagung des Nordwestdeutschen Verbands für Altertumsforschung, Bochum
  • Rose T, Greifelt T, Westner KJ, Hornschuch A, Hsu Y-K, Wiethoff H, Klein S (2024) TerraLID: Further steps towards a new ecosystem for lead isotope data in archaeology. Young Researchers in Archaeometry 2024, Nicosia
  • Rose T, Greifelt T, Westner KJ, Hornschuch A, Hsu Y-K, Wiethoff H, Klein S (2024) TerraLID: Engaging the Community to Create an Open Sustainable Research Data Infrastructure for Pb Isotope Data. Plenary Keynote. 6th Edition of the Entangling Geosciences and Chemistry Conference, Yaoundé