Today, the dragon tuyeres were put in action. Beside their epic look, the bowed shape shall help to direct the air flow into the middle of the crucible and hence to reach a better heat distribution. Food for the dragons came with a freshly prepared load of roasted dung balls. It stank and cracked troughout the experiment but in the end all 80 dung balls were molten in the fire pit. Unfortunately there were small problems with the seam of a bellow which were provisionally solved with a stapler. It was enough for this experiment, but more elaborated repairs are necessary for the upcoming experiments.
While this experiment was done under the supervision of the recently recovered E. Hanning, matte was further ground and copper prills picked under the pavilions. We were very successful, about 30 to 40 g were collected for the isotope analyses. At the end of the day, the documentation was updated and after a short while dinner was ready.