It’s getting hot out here

Searching for prills in the matte: Y. Nienaber proudly presents his find. Also shown: M. Hoffmann, M. Donath, S. Simon, M. Legault.

Our unicorn, affectionately dubbed as “Mistefy”, had it’s fire test today. All in all it showed a good performance. Unfortunately we were a bit too ambitious with the addition of branched logs. The bigger pieces of charcoal led to a not so easy addition of the ore and fuel later. While our fronts were roasted by the heat of the furnace, the sun toasted the others sides of our bodies. But with well-approved strategies we survived the day alive and kicking. The sun had at least one advantage: It was hard to differentiate between the heat of the furnace and the heat of the sunshine, taking away the bad feeling of the searing heat on our fronts.

While the bellows were operated, the remaining crew searched for copper prills in the finished experiments to collect them for analyses.

An alternative way to ligth the barbecue: P. Süßer und M. Donath found a creative solution under the scrutiny of Y. Nienaber.

At the end of the day a barbecue was started but innovative methods to light the charcoal were needed due to rising winds. With meat and drink and dexterity games the day finally came to an end.