After the tips of several tuyeres were molten yesterday, new ones are needed. Fortunately, a learned potterer is participating this week and made in the in-house workshop new ones in a blink. Active support was given by M. Adam, who freed unforeseen artistic talents. The elaborated decorations with dragon heads or water mills must lead us to success.
Once more we smelted the dung balls today. But before this experiment, the matte smolten from the dung balls last week was smelted again to further enrich the copper. The grinded matte was placed in the crucible while it was intensively heated. As a result, the slag cake was firmly bound to the crucible but makes a good impression at the first glance.
After this experiment, the dung balls were smolten. This experiment also went very well. For the first time a separation of liquid slag on top of the matte was achieved as well as an extraction of the slag.
In the euphoria of victory, it was discussed during dinner whether one should go to “Johnny Schatulle” to celebrate the day but after this very busy day the general consent favoured the bed.