Oral presentations
Rose T, Greifelt T, Westner KJ, Hornschuch A, Hsu Y-K, Wiethoff
H, Klein S (2024) TerraLID: Further steps towards a new ecosystem for
lead isotope data in archaeology. Young Researchers in Archaeometry
2024, Nicosia
Luz Epossi Ntah-Kroll Z, Rose T (2024) Mineralogical and
petrographic study of tuyères from Pongsolo (Lekie, Central Cameroon).
Young Researchers in Archaeometry 2024, Nicosia
Rose T, Garner J, Klein S (2024) Experimentelle Archäometallurgie
in Bochum. 84. Verbandstagung des Nordwestdeutschen Verbands für
Altertumsforschung, Bochum
Rose T, Greifelt T, Westner KJ, Hornschuch A, Hsu Y-K, Wiethoff
H, Klein S (2024) Transformierung des Forschungsdatenmanagements in der
Bleiisotopencommunity: Ein Erfahrungsbericht. 84. Verbandstagung des
Nordwestdeutschen Verbands für Altertumsforschung, Bochum
Rose T (2024) Online publishing with Quarto. Short Course “Data
Science” of the German Mineralogical Society, Frankfurt am Main
Rose T (2024) Introduction to git & GitHub. Short Course
“Data Science” of the German Mineralogical Society, Frankfurt am Main
Rose T (2024) Databases, Repositories & Co.: where is the
difference or is this all the same? & How to use Short
Course “Data Science” of the German Mineralogical Society, Frankfurt am
Rose T, Greifelt T, Westner KJ, Hornschuch A, Hsu Y-K, Wiethoff
H, Klein S (2024) GlobaLID/TerraLID: A new community-driven research
data infrastructure for sharing FAIR lead isotope data. 30th Annual
Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Rome
Rose T, Greifelt T, Westner KJ, Hornschuch A, Hsu Y-K, Wiethoff
H, Klein S (2024) A new digital data infrastructure to make Pb isotope
data fit for the future. 4th European Mineralogical Conference, Dublin
Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2024) GlobaLID: A new
research data infrastructure for lead isotope data. 89th Annual Meeting
of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans
Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2023) News from the
GlobaLID engine room. Historical Metallurgy Society: Research in
Progress Meeting, online
Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2023) Fighting the data
kraken: GlobaLID as example for a modern approach to research data
management and curation in Archaeometry. Young Researchers in
Archaeometry 6, Tübingen
Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2023) Towards a community
standard for lead isotope data: Where we are and where we are heading
to. 29th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists
(EAA), Belfast
Rose T (2023) Publish them right: Paper, data, software, GitHub,
open source – and everything else. Short Course “Data Science” of the
German Mineralogical Society, Frankfurt am Main.
Rose T, Klein S, Greifelt T, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2023)
NFDI4Earth Educational Pilot: Teaching Lead Isotope Geochemistry and
Application in Archaeometry (LIGA-A). 2nd NFDI4Earth Plenary, Dresden
Rose T (2023) Using GitLab: Organizing software development as a
team. NFDI4Earth Academy Cohort Calls, online
Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2023) Towards a community
standard for lead isotope data: Current state and lessons learned.
Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege, Mannheim
Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2023) GlobaLID: A research
data infrastructure for lead isotope data in archaeology. deRSE23,
Klein S, Rose T, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2023) GlobaLID: Vision of
the core team, introduction to the app and discovered challenges. Many
LIDs, but none matching the vessel: Developing a community standard for
the publication and long-term archiving of lead isotope data in the
archaeological sciences – A brainstorming workshop, Bochum
Rose T, Hezel DC, Marschall HR, Bernard L, NFDI4Earth Consortium
(2022) NFDI4Earth: First steps towards a national ESS research data
infrastructure. DMG Sektionstreffen Petrologie & Geochemie 2022,
Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2022) Nine-tailed data
monsters?: Lessons learnt in the compilation of GlobaLID. GeoMinKöln
2022, Köln
Rose T, Hezel DC, Marschall HR, Bernard L, NFDI4Earth Consortium
(2022) First steps towards a national ESS research data infrastructure.
GeoMinKöln 2022, Köln
Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2022) From OXALID to
GlobaLID: Towards a community-standard for lead isotope data in
archaeology. Young Researchers in Archaeometry 5, online
Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2022) From OXALID to
GlobaLID: A substantial upgrade of a well-known data pool of lead
isotopes for metal provenancing using R and Shiny App. 28th Annual
Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Budapest
Rose T (2022) Developments towards FAIR and LOUD instrumental
data repositories in other disciplines. 28th Annual Meeting of the
European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Budapest
Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2022) From OXALID to
GlobaLID: A substantial upgrade of a well-known data pool of lead
isotopes for metal provenancing using R and Shiny App. 16th PAA
Congress, Zanzibar
Rose T, Hezel DC, Marschall HR, Braesicke P, Bernard L (2022)
NFDI4Earth: addressing the digital needs of Earth System Sciences.
SciDataCon 2022 @ International Data Week 2022, Seoul, online
Rose T, Hezel DC, Marschall HR, Bernard L (2022) Potentiale der
NFDI4Earth für die Archäologie. Gemeinsame Tagung von DGUF &
NFDI4Objects, Frankfurt am Main
Hsu Y-K, Klein S, Rose T, Westner KJ (2022) From OXALID to
GlobaLID: A substantial upgrade of a well-known data pool of lead
isotopes for metal provenancing using R and Shiny App. Advances in
Isotope Ratio and related analyses for mapping migrations from
Prehistory to the Viking Age (Joint Meeting of the Royal Society of
Chemistry & Society of Antiquaries), London
Rose T, Drews E-L (2022) Aufgaben und Ziele der NFDI4Earth.
Bundesfachschaftentagung Geowissenschaften, Halle (Saale).
Rose T, Bar S, Rosenberg D, Buchman E, Shalev S, Goren Y (2022)
Evidences for polymetallic copper metallurgy in the Chalcolithic site of
Fazael (middle Jordan valley). 43rd International Symposium on
Archaeometry, Lisboa.
Westner KJ, Klein S, Rose T, Hsu Y-K (2022) From OXALID to
GlobaLID: A substantial upgrade of a well-known data pool of lead
isotopes for metal provenancing using R and Shiny App. Le plomb et ses
questions analytiques, Nantes.
Rose T (2022) From sceptres and crowns: A new model for the
origins of lost wax casting in the Chalcolithic Southern Levant.
Seminario della Scuola di Dottorato in Archeologia - IX Edizione, Rome.
Rose T (2022) Neue Erkenntnisse zum Wachsausschmelzverfahren in
der chalkolithischen Südlevante. Science Day 2022 Archäometallurgie,
Hsu Y-K, Klein S, Rose T, Westner KJ (2021) From OXALID to
GlobaLID: A substantial upgrade of a well-known data pool of lead
isotopes for metal provenancing using R and Shiny App. Historical
Metallurgy Society: Research in Progress Meeting, online.
Rose T (2021) Corrosion on Metal Artefacts: Recent Developments
and Challenges. Session Introduction. 27th Annual Meeting of the
European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), online.
Klein S, Rose T, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2021) From OXALID to
GlobaLID: A substantial upgrade of a well-known data pool of lead
isotopes for metal provenancing using R and Shiny App. 3rd European
Mineralogical Conference, Krakau.
Rose T (2021) Tutorial: Rietveld Refinement of Powder X-Ray
Diffractograms. Young Researchers in Archaeometry 4, Évora.
Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2021) From OXALID to
GlobaLID: A substantial upgrade of a well-known data pool of lead
isotopes for metal provenancing using R and Shiny App. Young Researchers
in Archaeometry 4, Évora.
Rose T, Girotto CGM (2021) ChronochRt: Make chronological charts
with R. CAA 2021, virtual.
Hanning EK, Rose T, Klein S (2021) Reconstruction of Copper
Smelting Processes: Possibilities and Limitations: (Abstract published
in Geo.Alp 17, 2020, 41-42). International Workshop Alpenkupfer im
Vinschgau / Alpine Copper in the Vinschgau, online.
Rose T, Pagelson Y, Goren Y (2021) A-mace-ing know-how:
Reconstructing Southern Levantine Metallurgy in the Chalcolithic. 12th
Experimental Archaeology Conference, online,
Assher Y, Abadi-Reiss Y, Varga D, Goren Y, Rose T, Boaretto E,
Rosenzweig G, Shalev S, Artioli G (2021) Ashkelon, Agamim-East. 13th
Meeting of the Chalcolithic Forum, online.
Rose T, Goshen N, Goren Y (2021) Ghassulian or not Ghassulian?:
Analysis of two unusual mace-head assemblages from the collections of
the Israel Museum, Jerusalem. 13th Meeting of the Chalcolithic Forum,
Rose T, Fabian P, Goren Y (2021) New insights into the
Chalcolithic Metallurgy of the Southern Levant: Revisiting the evidence
of Abu Matar. Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege, online.
Rose T, Klein S (2020) Copper isotope fractionation during
prehistoric copper smelting: Evidence from archaeological smelting
experiments. 26th Annual Meeting of the European Association of
Archaeologists (EAA), online.
Rose T (2020) Potential of Iron Isotopes for Archaeometallurgical
Research on Iron. Early Iron Production, Ariel.
Rose T, Bar S, Rosenberg D, Buchman E, Goren Y (2019) Preliminary
evidences for a Chalcolithic copper workshop in Fazael, Middle Jordan
Valley. ICAS-EMME 2, Nikosia.
Rose T, Girotto CGM (2019) ChronochRt: Ein R-package zum
automatisierten Erstellen von Chronologietabellen. 9. Workshop der AG
CAA Deutschland, Wilhelmshaven.
Rose T, Klein S, Hanning EK (2019) Copper isotopes in prehistoric
copper smelting: Linking experimental and analytical approaches. Young
Researchers in Archaeometry 3, Nanterre.
Rose T, Klein S, Hanning EK (2019) Evaluation of copper isotope
fractionation during chalcopyrite smelting. Archaeometallurgy in Europe,
Hanning EK, Rose T, Klein S (2019) Reconstruction and Innovation:
Experimental Archaeology in Interpreting Copper Smelting Processes.
Experimental Archaeology Conference 11, Trento.
Rose T, Hanning EK, Herdick M, Klein S (2018) Archaeological
smelting experiments as a foundation for the development of stable metal
isotope applications in archaeology. EXAR-Tagung 2018, Unteruhldingen.
Rose T, Hanning EK, Herdick M, Klein S (2018) Archaeological
Smelting Experiments for Evaluating Copper Isotope Fractionation During
Smelting. Young Researchers in Archaeometry 2, Berlin.
Rose T, Télouk P, Marschall HR, Klein S (2018) Provenancing iron
artefacts with iron isotopes: New insights from bog iron ores. 24th
Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA),
Rose T (2018) Experimental-archäologische Untersuchungen als
Grundlage für Methodenentwicklung. Workshop “Mehr als Erz schmelzen –
Wie wird ein Experiment Wissenschaft”, Bochum.
Rose T, Télouk P, Marschall HR, Klein S (2018) Die Bedeutung von
Raseneisenerzen für die Herkunftsrekonstruktion mittels Eisenisotopen.
Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege, Hamburg.
Rose T, Morgenstern G, Stelter M, Klein S (2017)
Diffusion-induced copper isotope fractionation in copper metal:
Implications for archaeometallurgical research. GeoBremen, Bremen.
Rose T, Morgenstern G, Stelter M, Klein S (2017) Identification
of copper isotope fractionation during smelting with an experimental
process-oriented approach. 23rd Annual Meeting of the European
Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Maastricht.
Rose T, Morgenstern G, Stelter M, Klein S (2017)
Diffusion-induced stable isotope fractionation: Implications for
archaeometallurgy. 1st Workshop for Young Researchers in Archaeometry
and Conservation Studies, Frankfurt am Main.
Rose T, Morgenstern G, Stelter M, Klein S (2017) Cu isotope
fractionation during prehistoric smelting: a contribution of modern
pyrometallurgy. European Metallurgical Conference 2017, Leipzig.
Rose T, Klein S, Höfer HE (2016) Lead isotope signatures of ores
corrupted by gangue minerals: a plea for more geochemistry in
archaeometallurgy. XII Nordic Conference on the Application of
Scientific Methods in Archaeology, Aarhus.
Rose T, Morgenstern G, Stelter M, Klein S (2016) Fraktionierung
von Kupferisotopen während der Verhüttung. Archäometrie und
Denkmalpflege, Göttingen.
Rose T, Klein S, Höfer HE (2016) Many a mickle makes a muckle: Pb
isotope signature of copper ores masked by leaded inclusions in gangue
minerals. 2nd European Mineralogical Conference, Rimini.
Rose T (2012) Analytical techniques and the chaîne opératoire of
pottery. talk. 5. Archäologischer Workshop für junge
Wissenschaftler/innen: Naturwissenschaftliche Analysen vor- und
frühgeschichtlicher Keramik: Methoden, Anwendungsbereiche,
Auswertungsmöglichkeiten, Hamburg.
Rose T (2011) Kupferisotopenfraktionierung während der
Kupferverhüttung? talk and poster. DAAD RISEweltweit Alumni-Meeting,
Lerski M, Mwale FP, Rose T (2024) Documenting Traditional
Ecological Knowledge for Mitigating Climate and Environmental Change:
Presenting an Emerging Initiative. Poster. 30th Annual Meeting of the
European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Rome
Rose T, Westner KJ, Greifelt T, Hornschuch A, Hsu Y-K, Wiethoff
H, Klein S (2024) TerraLID: A sustainable data infrastructure for Pb
isotope data. Poster. Archaeometallurgy in Europe, Falun
Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2023) GlobaLID: A Research
Data Infrastructure for the Lead Isotope Community in Archaeology.
Poster. 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure, Karlsruhe
Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2022) GlobaLID: Accessing
and visualizing lead isotope data for the reproducible reconstruction of
raw material provenance. poster. useR! 2022, online
Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2022) From OXALID to
GlobaLID: A substantial upgrade of a well-known data pool of lead
isotopes for metal provenancing using R and Shiny App. poster. 43rd
International Symposium on Archaeometry, Lisboa.
Rose T, Klein S, Westner KJ, Hsu Y-K (2022) From OXALID to
GlobaLID: A substantial upgrade of a well-known data pool of lead
isotopes for metal provenancing using R and Shiny App. poster. ICAS-EMME
3, Nicosia.
Rose T, Goren Y (2019) The Emergence of Copper Pyrotechnology in
the Chalcolithic Southern Levant. poster. Young Researchers in
Archaeometry 3, Nanterre.